yep. i still exist. (not that anyone was wondering, my little readerless sanctuary) my child is growing at rapid rates. life is blooming so quickly. when did time start moving at warp speed? in a week i will be packing up all worldly possessions, boggling my mind with furniture arrangements, watching blisters form on my hands from stretching tape over box after box, putting together a house for me and my family. it thrills me. but in some twisted irony, i'll shut the door to this carpet stained, compacted, cluttered mess with a tinge (just a tinge) of sadness. only for the memories.
i've always pinned memories to the walls in my homes. and there have been so many. this little hole gets a special place in my heart - if for no other reason than that it housed the love that grew so big it couldn't be contained in just two people any more. have i said before (in the sum of my whopping 3 entries.) that it blows my mind thinking about the creation of another human being? i can't believe she started here. she grew in here. in me. and then out. i saw her first smiling laying in the bedroom upstairs. it peeked out at me in the early morning while she still peacefully laid next to me, so tiny and perfect in every possible way. i watched her sprawl her little limbs across my floor, whining the whole way. i've proudly cheered her on in all of these milestones, inside these walls. i will never be back but i will always be here.
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